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Morris, Robert to Anne-César, Chevalier de La Luzerne, 1781 July 02
Franklin, Benjamin to Francis Lewis, 1781 May 16
Laurens, John to Benjamin Franklin, 1781 May 28
Laurens, John to Benjamin Franklin, 1781 May 16
Receipt, 1781 November 11
Accounts between Franklin, Benjamin and Jonathan Williams, Sr., 1763 October - 1774 August 10
Potts, Samuel to Benjamin Franklin, 1783 May 09
Warder, John to Friends and Relations, 1783 June 2
Madlin to William Temple Franklin, 1783 May 25
Madlin to Benjamin Franklin, 1783 April 28
Williams, Jonathan to Benjamin Franklin, 1781 January 20
Wharton, Joseph to John Whitmore and Company, 1783 April 1
Twite, Benjamin to Sarah Bryan, 1775 November 13
Ducreux to William Temple Franklin, 1782 May 6
Haines I, Reuben correspondence, 1783 June 03 - 1792 November 26
Bache, Richard to Benjamin Franklin, 1782 July 23
Edwards, Ezekiel to Richard Vaux, 1778 December 6
Madlin to William Temple Franklin, 1783 May 13
Warder, John to Friends and Relations, 1783 June 2